Recently, we held a thought-provoking strategy session with a university library to see how they could highlight their impact and value in their institution.
We're talking to more and more libraries who are looking at their strategy and position in their institutions, so we thought we'd summarize some findings:
Academic libraries operate within and contribute to the ever-changing environment of higher education and research. Being aware of what is changing and ensuring that libraries can continue to play a useful role in academia and research is key to the success and longevity of libraries.
We have identified five key areas which can be used to summarize the range of challenges facing academic libraries today:
Libraries are essential to academic and research institutions and need future-proofing. The challenges we mentioned are complex and demanding in terms of resource, management and strategic planning. That said, libraries are adaptable by nature and well-positioned to take on these challenges and demonstrate how they are a key part of the current and future academic and research landscape.
What makes libraries integral to the academic and research world?
Make higher education more affordable and accessible
Respond to the real needs of the academic and research community
Connect researchers to the wider community
Focus on user experience
Support the research strategy of the institution
Enrich the student experience
Which practical ways can libraries have an impact?
Highlight the link between academic and research libraries and investment
Raise the profile of the library externally - e.g. contribute to libfocus, Research Information and Celebrating Libraries, or host flash mobs
Put the library in context
Acknowledge the skills being developed
Are there any real world examples?
What further reading on the usefulness and importance of university libraries is recommended?
If you're looking to find out more about how we can help you with your strategy, please get in touch and we will happily help.