What good is an idea if it can't be shared? Our company was founded to foster collaboration and share ideas. The more you share your ideas, the more impact they have on the world around you. We provide resources to inspire progression in the community. As marketers, we are stronger and better together.

Episode 1 - Wayne Sime, CEO
Podcast: Blog post | Website | Apple | Podbean | Spotify | YouTube
Episode 2 - Hannah Baldwin, Head of Global Marketing
Podcast: Blog post | Website | Apple | Podbean | Spotify | YouTube
Episode 3 - Zoe Loveland, Senior Marketing Director
Podcast: Blog post | Website | Apple | Podbean | Spotify | YouTube
Episode 4 - Mary Sauer-Games, VP Product Management
Podcast: Blog post | Website | Apple | Podbean | Spotify | YouTube
Episode 5 - Nathan Farrugia, CEO and entrepreneur
Podcast: Blog post | Website | Apple | Podbean | Spotify | YouTube
Episode 6 - Catherine Williams, COO
Podcast: Blog post | Website | Apple | Podbean | Spotify | YouTube
Episode 7 - Lisa Spicko, VP of Marketing
Podcast: Blog post | Website | Apple | Podbean | Spotify | YouTube
Episode 8 - Juliet Harrison, senior academic publishing professional
Podcast: Blog post | Website | Apple | Podbean | YouTube
Episode 9 - Santa Marku, senior industry marketing lead
Podcast: Blog post | Website | Apple | Podbean | Spotify | YouTube
Episode 10 - Rachel Fadlon, Marketing Director
Podcast: Blog post | Website | Apple | Podbean | Spotify | YouTube
Episode 11 - Pat Malone, senior industry marketing consultant
Podcast: Blog post | Website | Apple | Podbean | Spotify | YouTube
Episode 12 - Paula Neary, CEO
Podcast: Blog post | Website | Apple | Podbean | Spotify | YouTube
Episode 13 - Suzanne BeDell, senior industry publishing lead and consultant
Podcast: Blog post | Website | Apple | Podbean | Spotify | YouTube
Episode 14 - Nicola Ramsey, senior publishing executive
Podcast: Blog post | Website | Apple | Podbean | Spotify | YouTube
We’re looking for professionals to be part of our new podcast series 'Inspiring the Next CMO'. Whether you want to be interviewed or know someone you want to recommend, we want to hear from you. All we ask is that the person wants to share their career highs and lows, lessons learned and tips to be a successful marketer.
What is the process?
We send you questions giving you a chance to prepare
We organize a Zoom call (recorded and/or streamed live to YouTube)
We have some useful hints and tips about how you can appear better when we interview you
The podcast audio will be available on Google Podcasts, Apple, Spotify, Podbean and www.internationalbunch.com/podcast
The transcription and related links are also available on our blog
The podcast video will be available on our YouTube playlist
Get in touch if you want to get involved or recommend someone.
Icebreaker questions
Now before we get started, I have one question for you – something we ask everyone before we start our chat. Every day we send out on social media an #IntBunchWordofTheDay – what is your favourite word, and what does it mean?
OK so first things first, we want to know a bit more about you:
What is the best thing you have discovered in the last year?
Who inspires you?
When you were young, what did you want to be?
If you were to have dinner tonight with anyone in the world from any time, alive or dead, who would it be?
Tell me about your career and how you got to where you are today?
What have you been most proud of [in your career]?
What have you found most challenging [in your career]?
What is your ultimate career goal?
If you weren’t doing your role now and money was no object, what would you be?
Which inspiring three professional books would you say are a must-read and why?
What is your most favourite book/podcast/blog, and why?
If you could travel back in a time machine, what would you tell your early career self?
What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
What is your number one tip for anyone working in marketing now?
What do you miss most since the COVID-19 pandemic?
Anything you want to ask me?