Celebrating International Women’s Day from across our industry
Speaking up for mental health – the power of sharing your story for mental health in publishing
The role of sensitivity readers in academic publishing
How can your localized marketing strategy help you connect with customers?
Why is inclusivity important when thinking about identity as part of Peer Review Week 2021?
iOS 15 – how will Apple’s new privacy settings affect your email marketing?
Why the plain text email version is so important – a new look at email pros, cons and accessibility
Is the marketing funnel really dead?
Balancing babies, COVID-19 and a career - returning to work after a pandemic maternity leave
33% open an email based on the subject line alone
Looking back on 2020 in marketing - and forward to 2021
Top 5 tips to remove barriers for authentic video, and kit recommendations
4 marketing basics to consider when successfully launching a new journal
Getting started on social media - A useful guide with 9 top tips
Incorporate Inclusion Into Your Communications Strategy
The secrets of media training - 12 top tips
WeChat - Improve Communication and Engagement with Academics in China
Boost your copywriting skills with these formulas
Reddit - Build Trust Through Authentic Discussion
LinkedIn - Engage And Extend Reach